About Us

DELTA Testing Services provides local and remote proctoring services for students to take exams in a professional, secure, and monitored setting. In compliance with the SACSCOC Distance and Correspondence Education Policy Statement ensuring student authentication, students must present photo identification and secure login and password to access examination materials.
The proctoring services we offer are for students taking NC State credit-based courses. Local proctoring services are available at two NC State University campus locations, and off-campus proctoring is facilitated for students who elect to use an off-campus proctor.
Mission Statement
Our mission at DELTA Testing Services is to provide quality testing services that ascribe to NC State’s philosophy and policies on academic integrity. We uphold the National College Testing Association’s Professional Standards and Guidelines that promote responsible fiscal, legal, ethical, and equal practices within an environment of continuous quality improvement, innovation, and technological advancement. In accordance with DELTA’s mission, DELTA Testing Services collaboratively applies expertise in innovative technologies and pedagogies in an efficient, effective, and service-oriented environment, with the overarching goal of building student success.
Professional Memberships
DELTA Testing Services joined the NCTA in 2006 and has actively participated in professional development and presented at several national conferences.
National College Testing Association