Changes to Accommodated Testing
Effective Summer 2024
At NC State University, it’s our shared responsibility to ensure students have access to usable, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments.
To ensure this accessibility, it is the responsibility of students to request accommodations, the responsibility of instructors to fulfill accommodations, and Testing Services’ responsibility to be a resource for both parties.
The DRO Testing Center and DELTA Testing Services are moving to a common platform for scheduling exams. This will streamline the process for instructors and students to request resources that meet testing accommodation requirements.
Over the Spring 2024 semester, the two test centers will be working on the alignment of testing processes, policies, and implementation. The common platform will launch in Summer 2024.
Things to look forward to:
- One portal for instructor submission of exam information to the test centers regardless of where the student is testing.
- A simplified way for students to schedule appointments regardless of the location they will be using. Students will no longer be required to submit their accommodation letters to DELTA Testing Services.
- Increased availability of appointments for students to schedule.
- Consolidated policies to better meet the increasing demand for accommodated testing.